Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fun in the Sun

This weekend we went and spent some time with Matt's family in St George and Mesquite it was really fun. We haven't seen everyone for a long time. We couldn't keep Kyla out of the pool, every time we opened the door she made a "B" line for the pool. They also had a little play ground area which was hard to keep her away from as well. We all had so much fun and it was really great to see everyone again.


Melissa said...

Michelle!! I love it! Your a blogger! Kyla is getting so big! It has been to long since I have seen you guys. Stop by my blog if you want.( Now we just need Kami and Stacie to get on the blogging train.

Kristy said...

Yeah! I am so glad you started a blog! Now we can keep in touch a lot better! Cute pics by the way!